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How did the Poors group come about?
Rémi: The group was born on rue Charles Michel in Limoges in a bar, unfortunately closed today, which was called "l'Amicale" and run by Belgian paratroopers. Nico, the bar owner, introduced us and we went to my house to eat on rue de la boucherie after the bar closed. A month later, we played our first concert. At the time there was not only Doors, there was also Gainsbourg, Noir Désir... But quickly, we focused on the Doors.
Can you tell me about your musical influences?
Rémi: We've all listened to the great rock classics at some point in our lives, but we find in the team some specific influences that we can feel in our live energy. For example, there is Paul (guitar) who is quite a fan of techno and metal, Moustic (keyboard) is more garage rock, Benoit (singer) is very French rock, but also Idles and Black Angels, very soaring rock. Antonin (bassist) really likes experimental Berlin music, pre-fall of the wall and me (the drummer), my connections to metal are felt a lot in my playing. It was magical, the feedback from the audience was incredible, it really made us want to continue touring this project.
What is your relationship with the Limousin territory and the city of Limoges, France in particular?
Rémi: Personally, I haven't lived there for a few years but the other 4 still live there. We are very attached to Limoges, the Limoges spirit is unique: simplicity, hospitality. We are proud to assert ourselves as Limoges when we play everywhere in France.
Antonin: It's my city, it's Limoges.
Moustic: Limoges is my city and I like living there...
Paul: I was born there and I feel good here.
Benoit: I am a native of Limoges and I love its terroir.
From Limoges, France to Charlotte, NC, USA
Twin City, Cultural Exchange, Rock'n'roll The Doors / Les Poors, Let it Roll !
It’s time for Les Poors, a Doors tribute band, to take a trip to the U.S. after 12 years of performing all over France. Jim Morrison said: “The West is the best”—well, they definitely want to see that for themselves!
But that’s not all; they want to experience and bring to life the twinning exchange program established between the cities of Charlotte and Limoges. they’re French musicians playing Californian music—what better way to celebrate this cultural bridge?